Seminars & Workshops
Learn something new,
enhance what you already know...
or simply regale in what you love doing.

MindBody Relaxation
1st and 3rd Wednesday from 6-7pm in Brandon or Wesley Chapel
2nd Saturday from 10-11am in Wesley Chapel
4th Saturday from 10-11am in Carrollwood
* Part II of this workshop will be held on the 4th Saturday of every month from 10-11am in Wesley Chapel.
In this workshop you with be educated on one of the most important coping techniques you can utilize for your emotional wellness, breathing. You will learn about the scientific importance of breathing, when to utilize it and how to integrate it into your daily life. You will go home from this workshop knowing a handful of different breathing techniques, which you can utilize on a regular basis to maintain optimal wellness.

Nutrition for Emotional Wellness
2nd and 4th Saturday from 11:15-12:15pm in Wesley Chapel
Join Krista Miles in a two part workshop as she takes you on an enchanting scientific exploration of herbs and nutritional supplements.
In this workshop, you will learn to use your food as your medicine. From common physical ailments to effects of stress on our MindBody, it can all be managed better with the right choice of foods.

Group Meditation
1st and 3rd Saturday from 9-10am in Carrollwood
When you learn to meditate, you learn to become present to the person most important in your life, you. Meditation allows you to focus on the present moment and reflect on your thoughts, feelings and body to experience natural unconditional joy from within.

Learn to Meditate
Date & Time TBA
There is an ever-increasing awareness about the tremendous health benefits of regular meditation practice. Learn more about meditation and how it is done with Dr. Trivedi.
Participants of this workshop will learn different ways to build and develop their own meditation practice. No prior knowledge or experience is required.
Cost: $ 60.00

Strengthening Your Love Connection
February 13th from 9:30am - 1230pm
FMC Land O Lakes
2150 Via Bella Blvd-3rd Floor Conference Room
Join Dr Trivedi & Camille Francis in strengthening your ability to decipher, interpret, and translate what your partner is trying to express.
This workshop will provide valuable tools and resources to learn, understand, and become fluent in your partner's language as well as bring clarity to the messages you are sending your partner. Through vital information, role-playing, and support from 2 experts on our panel to enhance your relationship, you are sure to strengthen your Love Connection now and for a lifetime.
Cost: $30 per person; $50 for two people
(20% Discount for FMC staff and VIP Card Members)

Vision Board Workshop
Next Event Date: To Be Announced
FMC Land O' Lakes, 2150 Via Bella Blvd
3rd Floor Conference Room
Join Camille Francis, LCSW and Dr. Trivedi on a MindBody journey to see, create, believe and achieve your goals now and for a lifetime. Learn to harness and merge the natural capabilities of your left and right brain to create your personalized plan for a visionboard with a dynnamic blend of logic and creativity.
“Eyes that look are common, but eyes that see are rare.” - Dr. Myles Munroe
In this workshop, we will guide you to discover your true purpose, define your deepest goals and deliver a formula that gets results. Join us on this journey of extreme self care and self actualization.
Cost $25.00
(20% Discount for FMC staff and VIP Card Members)